14 August 2006


Back here at the home base after my last trip. I had the great fortune to pick up a trip to PDX. I took a cab home because I didn't know when my next trip was and I didn't feel lilke spending a couple of hours on/waiting for public transit. My bags were much heavier to haul up the steep stairwell to my apartment this time. A trip home allowed me to gather some things such as my Sex in the City collection, a couple items of clothing, and a couple of cords.

Walking through the door to my loft in my uniform was like two worlds crossing over each other. It seemed to so wrong to be there with a FA mentality. I immediately took it off and got into something more comfortable. Better!! I jumped in the car which has sat idle for two months and drove to get my girl. It was so good to see her and sit on the floor catching up with Gio and playing with her. We had a delicious lunch at Bluehour and then I went home to take a nap. I was exhusted and knew that I needed break the world of Portlander and FA up with some sleep. I awoke and everything was normal; I was in my house with George, nothing had moved or changed. My shower welcomed me and tons of clothes were awaiting my choosing. I grabbed a bottle of wine and made my way to Sunday dinner. It is amazing how you can pretend even when you are older. I was pretending that I still lived in the village, still went to Starbucks every morning, still saw my friends, still lived at home. But I don't. That reality didn't hit me until two hours into the flight home.

I was discombobulated as I went to the airport and checked in for my flight as a crew member. I am usually reading a book waiting to board at this (my fav) airport. I got on the plane and couldn't find my head from my ass. I told myself that I need to disembody the Portlander and put on my FA role instead.

I wish that I could put into words how strange it felt, but nothing articulate is coming to mind. The thing that was even more silly was watching a F-15 land right next to us. I was suddendly rushed back to my home town where they flew into the base daily.

All is well now that I am in my now first home, things are back to normal. I am however, excitally awaiting my return to a Portlander in eight days.

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