16 August 2006


It was my second turn to Florida and the fourth time as the lead. I am getting that part down well. Great crew and the trip went smoothly other than the fact that some one had vandalized the mirror with grafetti. It was noticed prior to take off and gave me a strange gut feeling. We had an extra high sense of security through the flight. Nothing came of the message written backwards because a. it was nothing but kids messing around or b. we took extra steps to ensure the message was not received. I don't want to know what would have happened if I didn't follow my gut but I am glad that I did no matter how silly it seemed to others.

Last day until my two days off takes me on a turn to YYZ.

Home life is pretty good when it is just the four girls. I have the luck of not being around when the other party has been home. A lunch mate played a joke on him yesterday about being my boyfriend and it is up to me to keep the straight face and tell ol' nosy that I don't want to talk about it. Currently I am hiding in the tent my roomie has made with her loft bed. Kudos to her right now because I just saw his shadow looking into my room.

The plane has become my most comfortable place to be, my home away from my loft. I feel more and more confident with each flight and I will have to admit there hasn't been a moment that I felt uneasy or that this was not the correct thing to be doing with my life at the moment.

Special congrats are in order for my Aussie friend how will be joining me in the friendly skies of the world with the elite airline, Emirates. Yay!!!!

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