31 March 2008


There is just something about Germany. The people look good, the hotels are a step forward in anticipating needs and everything is very well designed. I would have to give props and say that about the whole country that I have seen thus far. I mean they drive Mercedes as taxis here for Christ sakes!
I have spent my afternoon walking about the city which hugs the Rhein River, the gorgeous city of Cologne. I was awaken by the familiar sound of John Denver and upon answering I was asked if I would like to go to Oslo, London, Dublin, or Cologne. I politely asked for Cologne since I had never been and am very pleased with my choice. I worked first class galley and am also flying with a classmate. He hasn’t changed much since training as he was already trying to be the purser’s pet. Nice guy, good heart, speaks German and is taking me around in about 20.
While walking around the cobblestone streets this afternoon amongst the hordes of both tourist and locals shopping, it occurred to me that I don’t relate as much to the German side of me. I am officially: 3/8 German, 3/8 Irish, 1/8 Welsh, and 1/8 Norwegian. I seem to think of myself more as an Irish gal and seem more at home while there. I can’t speak much of Wales since I have never been but I did have a Welsh teacher in jr high, Mr. Preston whom I didn’t relate that much to either. Loved him but didn’t see myself as a distant cousin or anything. Germans seem (on the outside) clean cut; abide by the rules, efficient people. As I was approaching the crosswalk to continue shopping, I joined the group of people and felt compelled to wait with the mass for the light to turn green even though there was not a car in sight. I wondered what the hell these people were waiting for; let’s get the hell to the other side. But maybe it’s their patience that lays the foundation for the peaceful atmosphere that I so love when I travel to Germany.
I just realized that if you dump Wales into the UK slot with London, I was asked to choose between all my heritages as trips. How weird is that? I choose Germany, maybe I do feel connected…

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