11 March 2008

embracing the morning

I have woke up early the past two mornings and I am not sure why. Perhaps it's my body rejecting DLST or just that I am getting old and wake up with the sunshine. Yesterday I milled around for a few hours not wanting to go outside because of the cold. I ended up taking a five hour nap instead of doing anything remotely productive. Today was the opposite. I looked outside to see people running and thought, "hell, I can do that". Fifteen minutes later I was out the door with my ipod attached. I ran down the East River park and when I can to a dead end, I turned west and walked up to Central Park. There were tons of runners and dogs playing in the cold morning air. I just wandered around by the castle and up around the resevivor and when a good song would come on, I would run stopping only to admire the views of the city and think of how lucky I am to live here. That this gorgeous park is only a mile away from the house. And finally that I haven't wasted my day in bed.

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