26 March 2008


The times were just as I anticipated with Rob...good friends hanging out in our high school mentality. The conversation topics are a bit more adult these days and we have our minds made up about more that a couple of things, but the beer drinking and silliness still remains.
I popped into to his quaint hotel down the road and we began our journey with a stop at Jack Russell's Pub because we liked the way it looked. After three Guinness (or Guinni as we dubbed them) we headed to my watering hole to eat some ribs. I was greeted by the normal Monday night crowd and had a silly good time taking photos and having beer chugging and burping contest. I only won the latter. Frambroise and Milano cookies replaced champagne and strawberries as we toasted to the change of the calander day. I passed out a few minutes later.
25 MAR
The sunshine made a glorious appearances and warmed the city all day long. I wore my favorite things and headed back to his hotel with my birthday Starbucks and my ipod. When he asked what I wanted to do for the big day, I just had the simple answer: a picnic in Central Park please. So that is what we did. I brought a bottle of Spanish wine for me Belgian beers for him and the rest of our feast was fresh from the deli. We must have laid out for three hours just talking and enjoying the sun. I could not have asked for more.
The West Village was calling us down to Chumleys' (which was closed) so we ducked our heads into the White Horse Tavern, another NYC institute and continued our buzz from the park. Dinner was by suggestion at Jane Tavern and was ever so delightful. A quick change of clothes and a little dolling up on my part proceeded our trip under the East River to Brooklyn. We met up with his sister and her beau to continue in our fun of the day. The bartender gave us fake mustaches so we spent a good half an hour giggling and taking goofy pics.
A long ride home was capped off with yet another beer and a slice from the hospitable Mexicans running a late night pizza shop.

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