14 March 2008

good seeing to

Once again airport alert was good to me. I was just getting in the mindset to go home after 3 plus hours of sit time when the bat phone rang and sent me to BRU. I printed up the pairing to find my friend Shawn was on the trip. Then I get on the plane and a guy wants to trade me for for FC aisle. So I got to work with a great crew in my favorite position to a new destination.
We debriefed for a bit then a quick nap followed. A map of the city in hand I went off on my adventure. I was told I needed to see the statue of the kid taking a piss, so I kindly asked the hotel man where I could find such statue. It ended up being like a HR Cafe that I overshoot but see tons of good things in the meanwhile. I managed to find some people from the NW and ended up chatting with them in front of this tiny statue which I don't understand why it is such a big deal There are gorgeous buildings everywhere you turn and I can only image how beautiful this city is come summer.
Experiencing things for which a country or city are know for it my favorite thing to do when I travel I had a whole wrap sheet of things to try. First was the Belgian waffle with chocolate sauce, next come one of the 320 different types of Belgian beer, the Belgian fries were next, and I also managed to have some Brussels sprouts. Sadly, I didn't get a chance for a Belgian chocolate but I may steal one from my mom's collection before I ship it off.
We meet as a crew to welcome a new pilot on his first flight and we all went to a Thai place. We spent hours laughing and eating some delicious Thai while the Irish owner Michael told us stories. He was explaining how he was going home to give his woman a "good seeing to". We all thought was hilarious and made him say several times.
A nice flight home with no drama and although my bag was heavy from all the beer I brought home, I sit here cheerfully thinking once more, what a great life I lead.

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