23 February 2007


Boredam on a day off combined with the fact that I don't desire to be home alone with the roomie that drives me bonkers, leads to me getting dolled up and going into the city. The plan was to get a drink and mingle with the afterwork crowd, then catch a cab over to Chelsea to check out this place I want to have dinner on my birthday. Just before five, "I wonder if 19C is in town?" sure enough he was coming back from a meeting in LI. We arranged to meet at The W on Lex. I ended up in the wrong damn place so he had to come and get me and take me over to were he was. Alhtough he is still gorgeous, he is not as heartstopping as I remembered. We talked for an hour and half over wine and then we decided to wander upstairs to the mezziane, after being shewd away from a private event we ducked into a conference room and he kissed me...heartstopping. Not only he is the package, he is a good kisser. Unfortuantly we shewd out of that room as well and he had to get to a work meeting. He walked on the outside of me and got me a cab to my destination.
I got dropped of on 11th and walked up the half block. I tried to open doors to no avail, then a couple came up with reservations and we ponderd together. We tried calling and nothing. Finally we gave up and I followed them to 10th and asked a guy about the club. He said it had been shut down for a bit because some guy died in an elevator shaft. Chris did mention that and I told him that I would steer clear of the ol' elevator then. As I approached a main street, I saw a line for a club called Marquee...in my mind any line is a good line so I jumped into the cue. The guy behind me and I started chit chatting and he end up to know some big shot inside so we didn't have to pay cover and lo and behold, it was free Stoli night. Mind you all I have eaten at the point is Grapenuts and some broccoli. We left after a couple of hours to meet some of his friends in the ironbound. This is a section of Newark, which I drive through every day on my way to work and to be rumored to be controlled by the mob. My hunger must have been given away by the fact I asked his friend, who I just met for a piece of his dessert. Bo, kindly ordered dinner for me and we ate in room with only one other occuppied table. Completely a scene out of the Sopranaos, they were discussing business and my dinner date seemed to know what was shaking. I, on the other hand, kept my eyes down on my plate not wanting to piss anyone off or get involved in a hit of any kind. Anywoo, made it home alright and relived the evening with B, who I woke up while stumbling up the stairs. I listened to my voicemail this morning from Bo, and I can be heard in the background giving myself a shout-out.

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