15 February 2007


The light in the bathroom of the Holiday Inn in SAT is not doing much to boost my attitude this morning. I am exhausted as we arrived to our hotel at 0130 last night and 1200 the night prior. We are paying for the nice layover by working our butts off for the last three days of the trip. The snow storm in EWR delayed us a bit and found us wandering around for shortcuts around the terminal to avoid the hundreds of upset people waiting for security and non-cancelled flights. A bit of homesickness is creeping in as I received lots of love from my valentines yesterday. I want to be back in the routine of the gym, I want to get a fun pedicure, I want to go to bed when I decide to, I want to be in a routine. Granted I am just tired and ready to make it back home for my one day off tomorrow. My day off that was going to be spent catching up on life is now going to be fabulous, yet unproductive, because my Aussie friend is working a flight to JFK. I am going to meet her in Brooklyn, a place I have yet to go, to have lunch and have some much needed, normal girltime.

The transfer list come out today and the international transfers are to supposed to be rewarded March through May. I am so hoping my name is on the list but I am not trying to get my hopes up too much as I am not really expecting it until April. Still, it would be a pretty great thing to be international next month!!! I am not sure how to find out online so I am going to have to brave the IAH crewroom to look at the sheets and hope not to be writen up for my tights or cute shoes...they are brutual down there.

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