07 February 2007

c.r. dia dos

After a great nights sleep I finally got up this morning and talked to the receptionist to help me get a game plan for the rest of the holiday. She is muy helpful and booked my transportion and accomadation. I went over to Banana Surf and paid for a lesson in the afternoon and then ate pizza while sitting in view of the gorgeous coast line. Laying by the pool filled up the remainder of my time. I walked over to the shop, put on a tight surf shirt and was off to the beach with my own personal teacher. He taught me the basics about paddling and getting up whilst on the beach and five minutes later we were out in the ocean giving it a shot. I got up on my third try and had many more successful rides than I first anticipated. He would wait for the perfect wave for me then instruct me to go. There were many waves however that were too big and beat the shit out of me while I was laying on the board. After shallowing a gallon of salt water, four perfect rides, and an hour and half of almost perfect rides, I threw in the towel. Just wandered around the rest of the afternoon and took some last minute photos and then back to the villa for a siesta in my hammack. There is something truly wonderful about a hammack. Think I will have some freshly caught fish for dinner at my new fav restaurant.
Tomorrow I catch the bus to Aernal, six hour ride to a beautiful volcano which I will be hiking and then relaxing at a hot springs.
adios for now.
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