12 April 2007


My excitement this morning consist of watching the house behind ours being tourn down as the rain is pouring down and making me even more homesick. The good thing about this destruction is that I am being kept occupied and now we will have a view of the city in the absence of this home. My tasks for the day is to mail off thank yous, do a bit of laundry, pick up a trip, and be lazy for the rest of the day. According to Christina, due to my actions last night, I get a week break from doing something that scares me everyday.
The drunk dial apparently made its point to 19C as he phoned the other night while I was in AUS. He called to ask me if I was going to be working his flight home from STL. Unfortunately I was not, however I did find out enough information to talk myself into getting all dolled up and meeting his flight. I stood there, outside the gate waiting for him to deplane. The reaction on his face was exactly what I was hoping for, total happy surprise. He rushed to me to hug and kiss me hello and we spent the little time we had together talking and clearly into each other. He got his driver to give me a ride back to my car and then he kissed me goodnight, reiterating what a great surprise I was at the end of a long day. Was all that effort of getting ready and going all the way to the airport to see him worth it? Absolutely!

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