28 April 2007

oh what a nite

Cries from George awoke me while the flash of lighting hitting the street below lit up the room. My first thought, I hope they don't cancel the game today. The rain subsided by the time I crawled out of bed. My partner and crime and I got ready for our day in the city. Our first stop was the 9th street pathstation, up to Starbucks for a triple latte and to map out our day. Pastis, the place where celebs like to lunch welcomed us and gave us not only a great table, but a fantastic lunch. A short walk to the subway and a couple trains later we made a pack to not pay for our first drink at Stans. As we swapped trains at 145th the amount of Yankee fans tripled, feeling out of place, I quickly swapped my shirt and put on my hat. This captured the attention of two guys standing in front of us so we got to talking to them. They were headed to Stans and were sitting near us as well so we acquired our drinking partners for the evening. We had the luck of getting a table (unheard of) and in the short hour before the game downed two beers and two shots. The roar of Yankee Stadium is a feeling like any other, especially during a Red Sox game. We made it to our seats ordered a beer and crackerjacks and watched the game unfold. The only inning of pure excitement was the fourth when the Yankees pulled out in fron, unfortunatly we lost the game and it was too painful to watch. We met up with our guys once more and went in search for more beer. After haning out in the Bronx for a bit, we changed back and headed into the city. The MPD was calling our name, unfotunatly the guys were not dressed to get in so we said our goodbyes and smiled at the bouncer of Buddha Bar. He lifted the rope and then introduced us to a guy who wanted us to meet his friend. We were escorted to a large table filled with guys and we were introduced to a guy in his late fourties. We were asked to join them and our drink order was quickly taken. A few moments later the table was filled with girls, a few moments after that a magnium of champange was a the table. The head hancho asked if I would join him outside for some air, we ended up talking and hanging out for a bit and then going to another club. C and I got into his car which was parked in front of the club (mind you there is no parking in MPD) and then drove around a couple of blocks with the top down on this beautiful Mercedes with everyone staring at us. We pulled up a the other club and once again parked in front of Aer. No waiting, we walked right in and could have had anything we asked for. In fact, the bathroom attendant got fired because she was so mean to us. We danced for a bit and headed over the the Penthouse, we rounded out our evening at Pop Burger with his boys and then were sent home in a cab. It sure didn't take long to get back into the swing of the old city.

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