09 January 2009

my bf

I get so fuckin' irritated at people who choose to walk down the busy streets of Manhattan holding hands. Most of the time these idiots are tourist and haven't been briefed on the "we don't have time for this crap, either speed up or hold hands in the middle of the street instead". They wander along, not a care in the world and with certainly no thought to the people behind them. I am usually that person behind them who walks a hundred miles an hour (NY and my walking skills are made for each other) and I try to duck from side to side to get past them and on my way. I can dodge to the right but then they see something they need to look at. I try for the left but inevitably there is someone coming at me or on a really bad day another damn couple holding hands.

This phenomenon is crazy maddening when I walking the dogs because some of them don't understand that we need to adjust our pace. The pugs, for example, just decide to stop when someone is too close thus making me fall on top of them if I am daydreaming. Zeus on the other hand, he likes to get in stride with them. Especially Latino ladies, he loves to walk in between them. I seek these couples out sometimes when he is being a little shit. My big dogs, I love to let them run right up behind these damn couples and let the pitbull doing the talking, "get the hell out of our way, I am going to the park" their presence seems to say.

These sidewalk blockers are a great work out when I actually choose to run on the street versus the park. I weave in and out them as well as any other person or object on the crowded sidewalk. It is a great ab work out as long as I am mentally prepared.

The time when this crap makes me the most agitated is when I have my roller board and backpack behind me. I am walk at a good pace and therefore, this physics here, I have extra momentum behind me to stop or to run your ass over with. It is usually on the way home from a trip when I am tied and have already carried my bags up and down stairs at the airport, heaved into overhead lockers, wheeled on to and off of the bus, and up and down the subway stairs. It is these times when I see these couples holding hands that I get a little sad that I don't have anyone to hold my hand and irate the person in a hurry behind me. It is these moments that I look down and realize I am holding hands with my someone...my roller board.

He goes with me where ever I go, always up for adventure and rarely gives me any lip now that he is sporting pink roller blade wheels. He is happy to sit and wait for me to get ready. He holds my things without giving me the look like, "really?". He has out on his own stand both at home and on the road. He holds the things I need for daily trip survival. He wears my stickers collected proudly. He has been all over the world with me and never once asked me why I stayed in the room with him instead of going out. He knows I am faithful as for the backpack, we went through some losers before finding this one in Brussels.

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