12 July 2006

message on a napkin

My neck is tight and I would love to have a visit to the chiropractor. Our day was long learning about security but I am so grateful to have it out of the way. Our class was spilt in two groups today and we learned about security and the other group enjoyed international day. The pictures of 9/11 sent chills through my body, we referenced the day over and over again. We had to have our FBI background checks complete just to receive the chapter so I can't go into any further detail. I will let you know the dumb question of the day in a round about way. "If we are in a really bad situation, do we have to ask for help from trained people by writing on a napkin?" You won't get how silly was but I had a good chuckle.

Emergency equipment orals are tomorrow and I spent another night studying with a group. I feel good about going in tomorrow and hope that I can keep things straight in my head. I had no idea going in, even though I read two books, how much information we would be taught during this month. It could easily be overwhelming if I started thinking about it in bulk.

I am enjoying the silence of my room, I think my roomie is getting some lovin' since she is not at the pool and she was previously hanging out with a boy she has a crush on. Yes, I sound like I am in jr. high and in a way I am. Cliques are formed, people gossip (so far I haven't fooled around, that I know of), and people act like brats at times. No worries for me though, because I always walk around with a smile on my face. :-) I just bitch here and to my roomate.

We received our base assignments today and I a bit disappointed, although I was expecting it, to receive EWR domestic. I am putting in for a transfer to international the day of graduation. One week from right now, I will be home!!!!!!!!! Hip-hip-hooray!

I am happy to report the chicken bone has been removed.

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