11 July 2006

chicken bone

I am sure each and everyone of you is wondering how I did on my weekly exam. The fact that I am still writing and not at home enjoying the perfect humity of Oregon lets you know that I passed. The competitve streak in me is in full force and I am happy to say that I did not miss a question on the test. I am hoping for this luck to keep continuing since I have five more exams before graduation next Wednesday. Yes, the end is in sight and we received some advice that hit it on the head. "You see the light at the end of the tunnel..just make sure it is not a bus." The end is near, graduation plans are being made, class pictures are scheduled, uniforms come this week. I am actually grateful for that one so I don't have to do laundry anymore. (Be forwarden Carol, there is a suitcase of dirty clothes coming your way!) It is sad to think about not seeing my new friends everyday and beginning yet another unknown adventure. I have finally slipped into the ease of life here, don't have to think about breakfast or lunch, only when you are serving it, a ride to work, or any other routine house things like cleaning your toliet, The HI doesn't bother thinking about the last one either.

I went to dinner last night with my good friend, K. We went to this fantastic mall that you could leave me at for at least a week and I would be happy. A visit to my fav (within budget) store, Banana and dinner at an Irish pub. The Irish in me is always up for a Guiness. Tonight, I went along with J and C to downtown and ate apps outside in the perfect weather. The company was great, the food good, and the margaritas excellent.

We are still learning about aircraft, today was the 777 and tomorrow is 767 along with lunch with the CEO. I am not sure what I am going to wear but I have to wear my hair up so tight I can't move my neck for the third day in a row.

I have to let you know about this chicken bone that has been on the stairwell for a week now, I take the stairs every chance I get to see if some cockroach, the stray cat, or someone has picked it up. I have a bet that is will out last me at this hell hole. There are finally straight guys staying at our hotel but they are...not that interesting, nice but not worth hooking up with. I am sure there are plenty of pilots in my future.

This girl has to get to bed even though I haven't done my homework, opps those margaritas got in the way.

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