28 June 2006


i looked down at my shoe and yelled, "oh shit". The bus had arrived and I had no time to run back upstairs. There staring back at me was my beautiful tattoo. They are not allowed to be seen and strictly forboden. My quick fix since I did not have the usual huge bandaid with me, was a piece of notebook paper wrapped around my foot. This was quite the spectical on the bus. After an hour or so, I started to make a pinyata (no clue how to spell that, Gio?) in my shoe. My next solution? A four foot piece of toliet paper around my foot visiable through my mary janes and my knee highs. Yes I have to wear knee highs, I can feel myself aging as we speak.

Best overheard comment of the day: "I haven't been on a plane in 10 years, I am so excited....I wonder if I will even like it."

The mall was our escape from the long day of note taking. Cruising around looking for hot boys and good deals, my gorgeous gay friend and I went. Picture this mall like LLyod Center with hicks in place of thugs and less stores. Yep, that was our excitment for the evening. This morning came even earlier than the past 12 due to the fact of our observation flights. Off we went to DCA, three classmates and I, seated in the exit rows since we learned how to get out alive the day before. DCA is the only airport in the world that has special announcements and restricitons on movement because it is so close to the White House, which I saw out the window!! The first leg of our "turn" I was the first class flight attendant. My mentor had been flying for 35 years and knew all the tricks of the trade. She was anal-freak clean, which I love. The service was a breeze and the passangers were super nice, I think I am a first class kind of gal. The captain came on board and gave us a special briefing and announced our presence on the plane so people could not complain about the slow service I guess. We sat down for the take-off and landing but other than that, those ladies had us working. After the exchange of passengers, I was in the main cabin serving and let me tell you, it is hard to keep up with everything. I think at one time I had five different soda cans on my 9x9 workspace. Luckily I got through the service with out spilling on anyone or messing up any orders. See that bartending experience paid off. A few silly snapshots and hugs from the crew ended our flight ten hours after are day started. The good news is that I loved being up there and it came so natural, no butterflies at all. It is great motivation to continue on studying my butt off.

Apparently I have to go a "double date' tonight because the ol' roomie doesn't want to go alone. With my track record of blind dates, there should be a good story tomorrow for sure.

Silly thing said directly to me during non-stop yabber: "my interest are dogs and fish". I am not sure if she is interested in eating them or what.

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