24 June 2006

what if...

I just became a survivalist; I figured out how to make EasyMac with a hotel coffee cup. It is our first day off from training and being able to sleep in was wonderful. The roomate and I had to get out of the box, so we sweet talked a fellow classmate to give us a ride downtown last night. We were dropped off in one part of town while he went to the gay district. We are gayed out!! We needed to see and flirt with some straight men. And that is what we did. Met a few interesting fellas and by the time they wanted to buy us cocktails, we had to cut ourselves off. No hangover thus far but this mac and cheese sure tastes good.

We have our first test tomorrow and I am a little nervous but not freaking out by any means. Majority of what they are teaching us now is common sense. But we all know that you cannot teach common sense, it is something that you have or you don't. Therefore I am introcucing a new segment to this here blog (see I am practicing sounding like a hick!). Last night when anyone would ask, "how y'all doing?", I would reply, I (empahsis) am doing well, how are you (emphasis), yes I know that I am a bitch (no emphasis). Anywhoo, back to the segment, it will be called....STUPID QUESTION OF THE DAY. I have to catch you up so here is a couple that have been asked...

"What if the military chartered the plane and they had a bunch of 300 pound dogs?"
"What happens if I bring an orange on board the plane?'
"So I am on a layover, what if I was diving and the phone rang"...I stopped listening, I couldn't do it with a straight face.
Talking about weight loss drugs and their effects: "So you don't want us to take those?!?"
And my hands down favorite this far comes from our first class lunch service yesterday.
"What are these white, blobby things?" This was in reference to the grilled chicken salad with greek olives, and mozerella. Can't wait until we get to international day.

Alright kidos, time to study.

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