28 February 2008

kuta, still

Things don't always go according the way I have them planned in my mind, but yet I hold out hope that I will continously catch a break and have things go my way all the time. It adds to the gratefulness when the breaks are few and far between I suppose. Ideally I would sunnying myself on the quiet, small Gili Islands only genius here didn't book the book in time. So I am spending an additional day here in Kuta Beach. The thing that is different about this sunny day versus the others I have experienced this week is the departure of my travel companion. It is just me and the island now.
Day 3
Being that it is the wet season, the rain dumped in buckets awaking us from our slumber. May I sidenote for a moment, that I have been sleeping like a baby here. We went to breakfast and called our day sunless and went shopping instead. I also stopped to get a fabulous massage and pick up little souviners and some paintings for my house. They have goregeous flowers only found in the Southern Hemispere that I am in love with so, I purchased three paintings for my apartment to remind me that paradise is only a plane ride away...(22 hours worth).
The sun finally heard our plees and came out for the afternoon as we sunned ourselves and watched the overload of testoserone overtake the pool, quite a lovely sight actually. Then for our last night we got dolled up and made our way to Seminyak for a lovely french dinner along side the rice patties. Strangley enough, Turiya knew the owner who chatted with us over a glass of champange and then gave me the number for his friend who lives in the Gili Islands. Fanstatic way to say good bye until our next journey together. This trip makes seven countries we have travel through together.
Day 4
Is it day four? I am loosing track...Anyway today I rented a board and went to "muck about" in the ocean only to find it terriably disgusting with litter...may wait until the afternoon for the tide to take it away...gross...I took two showers after being out there for 15 minutes. A little sun and now I am on way to another massage but thought I would stop for a bit and update my travel journal.

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