06 February 2008

stand up

There are times in life when you have to admit that you need a life raft. When you have to admit you are not strong enough to fight the battle alone. Sometime this rescue comes from simply talking to someone new about the situation and getting a different view. It may only be a sentence that you didn’t think about. For example, she has control of me in some odd way. Other times the lifeline is thrown out during an argument. The only thing harder than admitting you need a lifeline is the denial of it; the realization comes when you least expect it. Today is came during a fight with Carol. It just hit me, and I had to verbally say that she has some control over me that scares me shitless. Here I was still fighting for her after all she has done. The metaphorical slap in the face was exactly what I needed to get off my ass and get her shit packed up. The battle is not over yet but I now feel like I am my old self and am ready to stand up for myself.

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