07 February 2008

pooch patrol

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent gearing up to take over the dog walking biz next week. I walked seven dogs on Tuesday and came home exhausted. I am excited to label myself a full time dog walker for five days, getting sunshine, playing in the dog park, getting exercise. It is good for my soul to be out in the city walking pooches, and they seem to like listening to me talk to them as we are strolling along. My line up includes two old labs that walk at a snails pace and don't seem to mind that we walk in circles around Madison Square Park. I have already made friends with the park ranger. The next in the line up is my absolute favorite, a nine-month-old lab. We spend an hour running to the park and playing in the mud. What a sweetheart. Next is the pits whom I have yet to walk by myself but seems really sweet and I guarantee you that no will mess with me while I have them. On to Zeus, my longhaired wiener dog whom only likes the ladies. Then onto the Yorkies who don't want to have anything to do with the outside and even though they are cute, they are a handful. Onto my other favorite, a mastiff who is a big teddy bear and who has my number because she didn't budge from the entrance to the pet store until I got her a cookie. I will have two puggles thrown into the mix when I take over. Looking forward to life with the pooches.

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