11 January 2007

take the zoom off

My 100th post; what better way to bring it in than with a silly story. I am back in Jersey after what seems likes a month. I was fortunate to go home and spend six wonderful days in Oregon, seeing my family and my friends, celebrating, sharing friendship, and enjoying myself. It is refreshing to go home and remember where the roots of ones personality lie, where the heart longs to be is still there, and my friendships are still in tack. I was emersed in love and I soaked up every moment of it.

My day off was spent sleeping in after arriving from the red eye. My room is finally perfectly organized, and at 1600, I attempted to pick up a three day trip, the only one in the computer. I hit the button and crossed my fingers and wa-lah! I picked up the trip that would take me to two new places, Toronto and LA. My crew was fantastic and we had a good time joking around. Toronto is beautiful to fly into but damn cold!! We just missed a snow storm, they seem to be one day behind me every where. Our flight to IAH consisted of 15 passangers, they slept the whole time and I found myself nodding off while reading...not a good thing. So from IAH we headed to LAX. I was working away and then when I was heading to the back galley, I looked at a guy and thought it was Jared Leto. I asked for another opinion but no one knew who I was taking about. I walked off the plane and had the agent look up the name to 27F...it was him!! We walked outside and waited for our van and Fernando pointed him out to me as he waited for his ride. I am such a dork, I took a picture from a far and then got up the courage to go and take to him. I ran up and asked if I could take a picture with him. He said sure so we did the arm reach picture, I told him that I wasn't just some crazy but was his flight attendant to which he smiled and told me that he knew who I was. I ran back to the crew and they were all laughing at me. I finally looked at the picture to realize I didn't take the zoom off. So my first pic with a celeb is only of his eyes and a portion of my head. It is always nice to be on the west coast, there is a feel of home to it. I was able to see a familiar face while I was there, the guy from Halloween. Our trip home was pretty good, a day off to do laundry, and then ready for my next adventure.

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