12 September 2006

thirteen pounds

My girl is now here!! I went to the airport on Sunday with the intention of flying to Orlando. I got to the airport about 0600 and got a protien shake. I went to my gate and waiting with my larger than average crew. And we waited...we waited for two and a half hours until they had to switch planes and send two smaller ones instead. Scheduling decided that I would not be amoung the plane swap and reassigned me to a BOS flight. These flights leave out of Terminal A, and there must be some note in my file about how much I am love with that terminal as I have been flying out of there for about two weeks. I hopped on the bus and called to check in, they then decided that I would sit airport alert instead. I took a nap because I was up til 0200 watching Duck football and entertaining our drop in guest.

We sat on call all day Saturday and began to go a little stir crazy. Finally a friend called and we picked him up at the Path and thern stopped at a toy store and picked up some games. I bought Trival Pursuit 90's edition (which I kick ass at because I am the second oldest person here) and Brit bought Twister. The upside of having no furniture is that there is plenty of room to play to Twister. I need to start doing yoga again because I only won one round. Damn it! Good thing I paid attention in the nineties so it was not a complete loser night.

Back to the airport...I was release from AAA at 1025 and had seven hours to kill while I waited for my flight home. I stocked Brit and went and sat at her gate with her until her flight left. The upside to this story of bordem is that a hot pilot came and sat with us and chit chatted it up. We found out that he lives in FLL and had come up for a friends costume party and left with my number on a note. I gave it unasked but didn't feel stupid as he had showed interested and we asked if he was married, no he is not. I found myself having breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the ol' airport. I went to this Jersey Diner which apparently this shit hole state is famous for their diners. I ordered a chocolate shake and it tasted a little blah. I was really dissapointted too because the loud mouth next to me in the Eagles jersey seemed to verbally enjoy his throughly.

Made it to PDX and hopped on the max train home. While walking the rest of the way, I saw a figure in across the street of whom mannerisms I recognized. I ran down the slight hill with my heals clicking and my roller board drug behind me finding every crack in the sidewalk. I spooked the figure who happened to be on a date and gave my husband Crayton a huge hug and a kiss. Spent some time with George's godparents before retiring to my second home and my oh so comfy bed.

Got craploads of stuff done with every parking space I needed magically appearing as I neared my destination. My day was centered around going to the doctor for this cold which has now become a sinus infecton and the doctor for George's anti-anxiety pills. The doctor explained why everything tasted blah, so I may give that milkshake diner another try. My day was perfectly ended with a two glasses of wine (yes, I was buzzed), my fav soup, and convos with two of my favorite people.

All the great timing of the day seemed shot to shit when I got to the airport. I wasn't thinking about anything more than getting the girl through secuirty. Well, I have my crew luggage which has tons of liquids. I can't bring it on unless I am in uniform. I got escorted out of security after being pat down, of course the alarm went off due to my cute shirt, and went to the bathroom to change and go back through. This is exactly why you get to airport early. I went and changed back into my cute outfit and waiting to see if the fortune had returned and I would get on the flight home. George joined me in the waiting with glazed eyes and didn't seem to give two cares about where she was. Must have been some good shit. I was blessed with a first class ticket and was about to relaxed until TSA decided to do random bag checks at the gate. I had to go back in unifom again. Good God! The five hour flight home was pretty good with the girl sleeping until 0330 when the setative wore off slightly and she wanted to get out. Two and half hours I held her on my lap rubbing her head as she did gymnastic like moves in her case. She made it all up to me by taking a nap beside me once we were home and situated.

My spirits are lifted by this thirteen pounds of pure love currently rubbing its head on my computer. I am so happy to have her with me.

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