13 September 2006

ode to the care package

When ever someone gets a package via mail it is a very exciting thing. They don't call it junk-Fed-ex. Care packages have been a regular thing for me due to the bordem and love of my mother. They came to training at least weekly with goodies for study group and enough times to make my roommate super jeolous. Here they are arriving with the same regularity and it has put my other roommates moms into competition against Carol. My packages consist of candy, Easy Mac, cough drops, airborne, pantyhose, raspberry Newtons, gum granola bars, almonds, tissues,etc. I think my mom has a pile of things that she just goes to with an empty box each week. She is also in charge of my mail so every now and then I will get a bill or a magazine. Pretty useful stuff, I think. My roommates seem to enjoy nibbling on things which are carefully shifted through and placed in the "comunity goodies from Carol" if I wish to share.

Brit's mom has came out and helped her set up her room and bought her a tv and stuff but has only sent a card and a few pieces of mail thus far. So Christina got a package yesterday and we as usual all gathered in her room to see what she had got. We were pissing our pants laughing at this list and of course the commentary that comes out of her comedic mouth.

-NYC guides
-dog puppet
-2 penis straws (aka straws with mini penie' on the end)
-Trader Joes cookies
-midget strech shirt
-happy whale pen
-1/4 bag of Seattle Best Coffee
-a watermelon gaget with a running bug inside
-gross popcorn
-used hacky sack
-parking violation
-previously used mags
-espresso machine (yeah baby)
-flamico dancing Christmas ornament
-used highlighter

A little bit of love from home has definatly made the transition smoother and my shelve very full. I am betting that the girl will be getting some packages of her own since she is a new roomies and her birthday is coming up. So far my mom is kicking ass in this race of whose mom cares the most. Thanks Carol!!!!

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