10 December 2008

my harem

My first flight in a month. I was so excited when scheduling called I didn't even ask where to or what position I was assigned. I was stoked. It turned out to be Manchester which isn't the worst place in the world, I like the hotel and it is familiar enough that I can get some rest and do a little shopping without the guilt of not exploring.
I head to airport in uniform, this time with a defined destination and it feels good. I check in with enthusiasm and look at all the others on airport alert with sadness for them as they will probably just pack up and head home at the end of the four hour shift.
I head to my gate and introduce myself to the guy waiting, as the time nears more and more of the crew approach and I quickly learn that I am the only girl. Eight men and me...just the way I like it!
I am working in the back which doesn't thrill me but I set up the galley and greet people at the door as I am supposed to. I glance longingly up to Business first and remind myself that I am happy to be working.
The morning rolls around and I am surprised I am not dead tired as my body has fallen out of the flight routine and eased into a NY server routine. It's almost time for the service I am told. I get up to prepare the cart and automatically have hatred for the passengers who are not going to tell me how they take their coffee or tea. My irritation shows on the cart and my partner is laughing at my frustration of people and my smart ass comments towards the end.
"I didn't wake up with you sir, I don't know how you take your coffee."
"I am not a mind reader ma'am."
"Coffee..." "Milk" "Then that is a white coffee" "Sugar" "Then ask for it all at once!"
"Hmmm" "Did you just start drinking coffee this morning?"
I have no idea why It bothers me so much...people's stupidity I guess.
What's comical is that when I work in BF, I automatically ask my passengers and then I remember for the whole flight. Their stupidity doesn't bother me. I think it because there are less of them and they paid good money to be stupid.

What is great about working with guys is that they all adored me and asked me what it felt like to be princess on the flight. I looked around at the gay men and replied that title is up for debate here boys.
The boys loved me so much that on the last service, they let ME work up in BF....where I belong!

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