12 December 2008

finding a new way for a heart to sink

Technology, is convenient for staying in touch with people, warming your food up quickly or saving that show you enjoy for later. Although I don't express to be a genius at technology, only enough to get me by. However when I was younger I was the only one who could change the time on the VCR and even years after leaving home I would still receive bi-annual calls on how to change it.
Changing times have brought around myspace and facebook which are both great tools for keeping in touch with friends and reconnecting with old friends from high school and what not. It is also a good stocker tool. I'll admit it, I have studied someones profile before and tried to find out if I was significant to them with photos or the changing of the status from single. And I am sure others have done the same to me. Not necessarily guys per say, stocking is more of a girl sport.
So as days go by from my separation from the last, it gets easier not to think about him and soon as usual, he will be just a pleasant memory.
What is not easier to think about is when you log on to old facebook and see he is no longer listed as single...

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