18 December 2008


The flight to Dubai didn't pan out and much to my dismay, I was started suffering from cabin fever early in the season. I awoke Saturday morning with my head spinning, " I shouldn't be waking up in this bed." I walked around my room trying to avoid the squeaky board which haunts me when I am tired and for get to long jump into my bedroom. I grabbed my ipod and running shoes and headed south to the park. I started off at a full on pace and quickly tired before I made it to CP. I stopped to stretch and warm my lungs back up by breathing into my gloves. I walked for a bit mesmerized by the amount of people out for a run in 30 degree weather. And then I found it, my perfect pace. I didn't want to fall over and die or go back to a walk like I usually do after running for ten minutes. I found this pace that didn't want to let go of, so I ran and ran. I lost all track of time as well as my previous frustration. By the time I made it back to the apartment, my thoughts were clear.
I booked a flight to Lisbon for that evening. My bag was already packed so why not? Why not take advantage of an incredible gift I have. I can get on any open flight for free (vacation pass) and go. So why the hell not? And that is what I did.

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