04 December 2006

deja vu'

Today felt like deja vu'. I awoke to the sound of John Denver as my phone rang at six a.m. alerting me to yet another turn. I slept for a little while longer and then got up to the same empty house I enjoyed last night. I drove to the airport once again during the wind gust, waiting on morning traffic to move onto the parkway. I parked my car and awaited the bus that takes me to the airport. Same terminal as yesterday, the A terminal because I repeated my trip to Chicago. Granted this is my favorite turn to do because the passangers are usually behaved and there are usually some good looking business men on board. The downside to Chicago is that there is almost always a delay. We left late yesterday and once again today. I didn't mind sitting there waiting in the plane with the 16 degree weather blowing through the open door because today I was entertained by that hot pilot that I flew with a couple of months ago. I left the plane in a hurry once we got home becasue I thought he had already left, the cockpit door was open. But to my dismay, he was still on board and since I didn't want to stand around like an idiot, I made my way home.

On the first of my many Chicago trips in the past week and a half, I talked to the captain as we were making our way home. He mentioned that he lived in the city and my face must have brightened up because he followed me and gave me his email address. He told me he would as around for some rental control places for me. Well, we have been communicating and it looks like he may offer his place to me for next month while I look for places. This is so what I wanted but now, I am starting to think of the little things and get nervous about making the big step. If I do jump to across the Hudson, George will need to move home because is not fair to her that I would be gone for days at a time (sad), I would need to take public transportation to/from work because of parking, the cost would be more, I may miss my roommates, I would need to condence the small amount of stuff I have to even smaller, little things....but here is the big thing....IT IS MANHATTAN, a dream of mine to live in the city that never sleeps. To have a fabulous life like Carrie Bradshaw. The oppurtunity is here, upon me, why I am so scared? I am meeting with the guy Thursday to take a look at it and talk more in deepth. I just received an email from him about the time and he asked if I wanted to do anything "New York" . My response was to get some Motza ball soup as I have heard that it is very New York. He also mentioned that he usually goes to a yoga class on Thursdays and 'if I was interested I could join him". Yoga? That is music to my ears. I was speaking to another FA on the jumpseat this evening about my worries of moving. Her response was very on target, that I will know when I see the place. Sooo, Thursday I hope to know how I really feel about this.

One more day on and then three days off. The girls and I are going to the city for our holiday diiner Wednesday night. We are getting all dressed up and toasting the town. We are all working on Christmas so this is our time together!

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