04 October 2006

military charter

I think I had the best day of my flying career thus far. I was assigned to a military charter which took troops home from Kuwiat to Kentucky. We got the short leg. The hassel of running back and forth between gate 55 and 68 in the unfamilar B terminal was a bit annoying but once that 777 pulled up and the troops came off to stretch their leg, tears were instantly in my eyes. It was my first time on the triple 7, working that is. It such a huge plane with the perspective of an FA. I was in charge of a door, the manual safety demo (our ISM has no clue what he was doing), and the mid galley. There was so much food on this flight and I just walked up and down the never-ending aisle offering things to everyone. Our two hour flight ended in a flat area of nothing but black hawks, buildings, and old planes. We were invited in to join the ceramony welcoming the troops home. When our large crew walked in, the crowd cheered for us. The troops marched in and the crowd went crazy along with all of us. It was such an emotional experience to watch them be reunited with their families and to see the babies which were non-exsistant when they were deployed. We got a chance to hang out while our flight was delayed for two hours. I got my picture taken in the engine of the 777 and then we ate first class meals while lounging in the first class section and running up and down the aisles. Our captain was so great and sang songs over the intercom. I was able to sit in the cockpit for take off and he let me turn on the auto-pilot button. So techicnally I was flying the plane. I felt like a kid up there with all the pictures I took and all the questions I asked.

On the way home flying 43,000 feet, a light caught my eye and then another. I cupped my eyes and looked out to see the most amazing lighting show I have ever seen in my life. This show was about 50 miles from us and followed us all the way home, As I sit here now, at home, the lighting is flashing through the windows and the thunder is almost shaking the house. Besides the Yankee game being delayed, it has been an amazing day.

A special thank you to those who have volunteered their lives to protect our freedom. Welcome home boys, and thank you.

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