29 June 2011

there and back

Within a day of being back home, I feel into routine of sleep and meeting Todd for dinner. It was nice, and it felt as though, I hadn’t been gone at all. The giant exception was the way he looked at me. Every look was one of gratitude and appreciation that I was home. I like these looks; they almost made the three weeks away worth it.

The only downside to being home this time of year was the allergies. They took me down for the last couple of days and kicked my ass. I was grateful to get on a plane and escape them. Grateful, also to know that this tour of duty was only a week and a half.

Commuting to work is my choice, when I choose to return to base and how is on my plate as well. The direct flight is not always open once summer hits so creative thinking as well as pulling a trigger in one direction is also required. The first bullet I loaded backfired and the flight filled up to an uncomfortable level. I decided to try it anyway versus being stuck in Portland. It wasn’t till I walked in to the airport, that I remembered an old friend, JetBlue. Sure they fly into Kennedy but that is still NYC… I’ll take it. So they generously listed me and off on the red eye I went. I made the decision.

My sleep was restless at best and I took all I could, as my assignment was airport alert at 1000. This is very unusual for us and almost impossible to get a trip off of. These are senior, senior mama trips I am covering and in order to get one, some one has to die on their way to work without contacting one of their friends to take their spot. I had a feeling today would be the day I would get one and be forced to stay up for the long flight and be quilted into touring about.

I touched down at JFK around 0620 and made my way to my home base the way I knew how. The shuttle service didn’t begin until 0800 and that was cutting it a bit too close for my comfort. Off to the air train I went and it took me two stops to realize I was on the wrong one. Now on the correct one, I made it to the subway. Mind you it is now the morning commute and I am coming all the way out from Queens to the city to catch my next form of transport. The 40 minutes on the train gave me plenty of time to contemplate bus or train. I went with train due to the morning rush hour.

I arrived at 0900 and stuck into the cleanest, quietest bathroom in the airport. I changed, washed my face, brushed the teeth and put on the war paint (as my dad would call it). I still looked like death.

Made my way into the crew room and positioned myself by the phones. I crashed out but did manage to hear the phone ring twice with my name not called after. Three hours later, I awoke and still in a daze realized my time to be used was coming to a close.

I don’t like going all the way there, especially with what I went through today and not going anywhere. It sucks cost wise, time wise, and roommate wise. I stuck around as long as I could because I wanted to hear the final union vote. I heard, we lost.

Made it back into the city still in a zombie phase and was chatting with my flat mate, when she told me I could pick up a trip due to the un-use of AA. I tried and it didn’t work due to my break day…I rang scheduling and they gave it to me!! Here’s hoping to hold onto my Paris! It has been so long that I have been there and my soul is always in need of Paris!!

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