29 August 2008


I bought my first NY lottery ticket today, the jackpot is $132M, with the thought that if I win I could move back into Manhattan. I am not saying my apartment is not great, it is, once you get to it. My roommates are very kind and have once saved my ass when I was running late for work. As a 31 year old it is odd to have to return to sharing a space and not really feeling like it is my own. I am considerably homesick and this is attributing to my thoughts of my fantastic large loft in which George feels at home as well. I am sure that my impending trip home is aiding in this longing I have.
I changed my bedding today to brand new sheets and duvet cover after getting my duvet from the dry cleaner since this cat (which is about to get shipped home in a box) decided to take her homesickness out on my bed. Suffice to say, it is miracle she is still alive right now. We are now working on tough love in which she is not allowed in my bedroom unless I am here. Luckily the roomies are very loving to her while I am away on trips and such. I am not sure how long it will take to get her adjusted and what to do if she doesn't.
While I am ranting on, I also have to say that it is a pain in the ass just to run home to change or just grab something so I wander around the city like a nomad sometimes when I have multiple things happening in one day. I am sure Chris loves that I always bring my shopping bags over!
I realize that is has only been a month and there are adjustment periods for everything so I am going to be patient with ol' Brooklyn and remember that I am saving half in rent. Plus my new bed is fantastically making me smile at the moment.

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