04 May 2008


It was exactly twelve hours after my alarm awoke me that I rushed into the apartment, threw my backpack on the bed, and hauled ass to the bathroom. A part of my punishment for my dis functional phone was a turn to Florida. First I am certainly grateful it was not to PBI or MCO, it was simply to RSW and I was back galley so I didn't really have to deal with anyone. The check in time for the trip, however was 0545...that's right, the time I usually rolling into bed is when the damn alarm was going off. Since it is Sunday, the trains don't run at the crack of dawn and I had to order a car service to the airport. I finally board the plane and realize I have no clue what to do on a domestic flight. Thankfully the fabulously gay load loved me and did most of my work for me. We sat in the back row after the twenty minute service and talked the whole flight. On the way home, a class mate of mine, Josh was the load. So we stayed and talked the whole time. Other than the tiredness of the whole day, it wasn't that bad. I did fall asleep on the train ride home and unfortunately missed a gorgeous day in the city due to my nap.

Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo and I have absolutely nothing on my plate other than have a margarita or two...but not too many as I still have a headache from Friday night.

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