28 November 2006


Forewarning, this will be a bunch of rambling thoughts that I just need to get out. I am sitting here with my green tea after my new routine of oatmeal each morning, trying to decide how to be productive until my 1940 check-in. I worked six days straight during the holiday week and am happy to report that I was able to eat the traditional Thanksgiving meal on turkey day as I landed at home after a long day of flying. Yesterday was my day off and I had such good intentions of getting things done, however the only thing that was checked off my list was laundry. When other people are around the house it makes me feel even more lazy than I already do. I don't like feeling lazy but at the same time there is not a damn thing to do with only one day off. I am back on the schedule today and am flying one leg up to MHT in New Hampshire and rewarded for my hard work on the one hour (gate to gate) flight with a thirty-one hour layover. On Thursday I fly back home then do a MDW turn, always good looking men on the Chicago flights. My plan for my long layover (as I heard there is nothing around the hotel) is to catch up on all the emails and phone calls I have been neglecting over the past month. I am also hoping to be inspired by the mountain air and sketch out my birthday invites.

I finally had the oppurtunity to talk to my roomie, C the one that I am in competition with for the extra bedroom. I found out that we have both been looking at apartments in the city and she doesn't believe that this place will be home for any of us much longer. What does this mean for me? It means that I need to start moving and find a place to take George to live. I have been looking on Craig's list for some places in the city and no surprise that they are expensive. I think I need to go into the city and pound the pavement on my next day off. I don't want to be rushed into finding some place new but I don't want to wait until the surpise announcement is made. I overheard B asking an incoming call about rent and such. I have decided that I need to move to the city and get the full NY experience since I am so close, yes it would probably be easier to stay in Jersey, but I so dislike Jersey.

On the men front, let's see. Luc called me Sunday while I was flying and we talked for a bit on my drive home. He wants me to come all the way out to Long Island so he can cook for me and then he wants to take me to his work holiday party. How bout puttin' on the brakes buddy! I believe the downfall of dating a man you have met online is that they are ready to settle down. I thought I was too but not right now, there is still many men I have to meet. Ol' 19C and I have been texting and talking quite a bit, I called his bluff about going somewhere together and he has yet to address it again. We just talk about random stuff, I am not quite sure where this heading but I would love to meet up with him again...maybe on my next days off.

I am still missing home, my friends, and family like crazy. The flashbacks of childhood, looking at lights on Pacific Terrace, or going to the Snowflake Parade, memories of being older and my perfect tree in Lake Oswego, or Christmas dinner at the Porters. It is all flooding back because I know that I will not have it or the oppurtunity for it this year. I have yet to profess myself a "Christmas person" but there is a feeling that comes along with it that will take a lot to stretch all the way across the country or where ever I am may be on that day. Alright enough sappy bullshit I've got to pack.

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