11 June 2008


Cut backs in the industry have been announced. The price of fuel is causing a once profitable company to make the business decision to eliminate flights and offer to its employees volunteer leaves of absence to reduce the number of furloughs. These changes will take affect at the end of August. So what does this mean for me? I am in the danger zone of being furloughed because of my youth with the company. Full information came out today about our options, which are apply for the COLA or take our chances about getting laid off. When the news broke, I immediately knew that I would apply for the COLA and see what happens with the company. The beauty of this leave business is that I keep my flight benefits. You and I know that is only reason I am working so it seems crazy not to apply for this time off. Of course there is the question of what I will do while on my leave. I still have the pooches but I think it will be a great time to find a fun, well paying job in NYC. Life is changing, it will changing without my lead and it worried me at first. But now there is a calm about staying here and seeing how it will all unfold.

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