03 April 2008


So what happens when I get only an hour of sleep the night before working a nine hour flight? It takes three cups of coffee to wake up and to function properly, well that didn't happen all day. While we were waiting for the aircraft, I was informed that the inflight entertainment was on the fritz. I thought I had the magic touch but found out after we took off that I didn't have any touch at all. So picture an eight hour flight with nothing to entertain anyone, in the middle of the day. Adults turned into children with their wining and content asking of "how much longer?", "where are we?". And every time I, or another crew member passed by 8C she had some dumb question for us. "I have 40 minutes to connect to Boston"...I told her good luck with that knowing full well she won't make it. "Can you ring my husband?" How would you like me to do that ma'am. "Don't you have phones in the cockpit?" I just walked away at this point. "Can you save the pull tabs from the soda cans?" This one didn't get asked to me, because I would have told her where she could shove those. The saving grace of the flight were the two rows of hotties. The other people, well let's just say if I need to evacuate the plane, I would save the row of hotties first.

To top off my trip, I was met by the lady with the clipboard instructing me to go the clinic for a drug test. An hour later after blowing in a tube and peeing in a cup (hard thing to do on demand), I called to block in and was given the news that my break started right now and I would be working again tomorrow.

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