28 September 2008

a reason

After my bitching and freaking out over scheduling rolling my day off and sending me to Dublin to work economy no less, I understand why things happen for a reason. I was given the gift of a new day off, I did earn it by flying in, walking dogs, and then running to end the evening waitressing. Saturday was all mine to sleep in, AND my good friend Turiya was in town on a layover. We had lunch, caught up, had a beer or two and then I outfit her in Duck gear and we went to watch the game! Following we had some more cocktails at work and she was in hog heaven. I got to spend the night in the city and have breakfast before sadly saying good bye and headed back home. Where I found, I am going to Paris, working the galley and with a dear friend of mine who defines Paris....See things do happen for a reason!!

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