17 September 2008

oregon, lovely oregon

Hmmmm, it is so nice to be home. In fact my attitude immediately shifts the second I land. The self protect mode falls to the ground and I know that I am safe. I will grant that I have kept the "not putting up with bullshit" mode but I think that is just good sense.
Yoder, the life-saver was there to greet me and drive me down to ol' Roseburg where Carol had Abby's pizza and conversation awaiting. Dr appointments with doctors who could only survive in Roseburg took up the morning and lunch with Minda, Yoder, and Marilyn took up the afternoon pre-post taxes. Yes, I just filed my 2007 taxes.
A bbq at Nene's was the perfect way to be welcomed back to P-town and I was in complete bliss being surrounded by dear friends. BBQ's in NY, virtually unheard of.
Next day after a complimenting doctors appointment and therapy with wax, I set off shopping with Nichole and she took me to my favorite restaurant for salad and a glass of wine, another bliss moment. We met up with Yoder for a fabulous dinner and then wound up at a strip club with the boys.
Friday was getting ready for the wedding festivities and figuring out rides to get everywhere. Luckily I am not in town too often and people are actually okay with me bumming rides. The rehearsal bbq was good fun as we all prank called Craytie and then set up a game of kickball. After a shower and dramatic costume change we met for cocktails and then went out on the town. Taco Bell, not cafeteria ended our evening, that and a whole bunch of giggling.
The big day was upon us but first thing was first with Duck football. I met Nene at a lousy excuse for a sports bar that would serve pancakes but not nachos while the game was on for the first half. During half time I busted back to change and bum yet another ride. We arrived for a wedding pre-funk and I immediately found the owner of the house to ask him to turn on the Duck game. It wasn't even on a minute before the guys joined me to watch the nail bitting, double overtime win to the game. Just in time for the ceremony.
The wedding was ideal, perfect down the last detail.
Sadly my stay ended Monday morning and Brooklyn and George welcomed me home. This time I had no feelings about staying or going, it just seemed routine.

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