10 July 2009

lack of concentration

The lack of writing hasn't been for lack of thought or story lately. It is due to the simple fact that I have become ADD lately.
I am living in this amazing space for the month of July and possibly August and I just want to soak up every moment possible here. I have the fortune of participating in a housing swap with a guy who lives in SoHo bordering the West Village. Both are incredible neighborhoods which I used to wander around prior and wonder what it would be like to live here. Now I am here. I have a smile on my face every moment when I walk out the door or when I am walking past incredible restaurants on my way back home. I am not sure how long I will get to live here so I am living each day as though it was my last here in NYC. I have turned down any sort of travel this month and even feel bad leaving for a trip for work. I walk around and wonder if anyone wants to give me there rent controlled apartment forever and if there is a market for dog walkers here in this neighborhood. All in all I feel very blessed and want the month to go in slow motion.
I am continuing my life as a minimalist as I am living out of a trunk and a small closet space. It doesn't even phase me and I am dressing better now that I walk out the door to a catwalk half the time. One of the most important lessons I have learned from this journey is the lack of necessity for so much crap. I only need my spirit and the rest of the stuff is just filler in life.
I have many more epiphanies but must find the notes on which I write these down. The are scattered through out my pocketbooks and in my phone. I have learned so much from living here and even though I haven't got the chance to really get it down and work through it, I live it everyday. And that is what is important.

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