15 November 2008


My 300th post doesn't come with any great stories or updates. It is that time of year in flight attendant reserve life in which I sit airport alert unused and then around on call. The big difference between this year and last is that I realize this fact and have found things to occupy my time. I have been walking the pooches, playing volleyball for a city league, and picked up some shift at Brother Jimmy's for some spending money since my paycheck next month will be shit!
Today finds me hanging out at home on call listening to the rain and now watching the sun struggle to break free from its barrier of clouds. The Ducks are playing at 630 and it is sad to think it is the second to last game of the regular season. Where did the fall go?

So I went on a date with this guy the other night. I have known him for about a year, met him at the old watering hole of the UES. And he suggested bowling, which I love the idea and when a guy has actually taken the time to think about what to do. So we meet up at a bar, have a beer and head down there. He wins by one point. Afterwards we hit the Coffee Shop for a milkshake (my idea) and we are talking. We are talking about past party days and I said that I have fun in my life and he said he was a little more low key. I reply that he was a good guy then! He goes off on how nice guys are always getting the shaft and blah, blah. I was just sitting there trying to defuse the situation with no accord and finally told him he wasn't being a nice guy at the moment, he was being an asshole. And this is why it sucks to date!

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