05 September 2007


Let me tell you about this guy...
I have had two dates officially with John. Introduced to him at a bar two weeks ago and my walls have already been brought down. He is handsome, smart, funny, and so sweet. Our last date was spent in Central Park walking around, hand in hand while he narrated the surroundings. I never thought I would be the person that was so giddy to see someone, or thought about them daily. I was not a believer until it happened. The cynical side of me keeps some walls up just in case so my heart doesn't get stomped on again. But I get it now; I understand why Christina squeals at movies, why Nichole was so enamored, and how your heart could flutter about the single thought of someone. What does all of this mean? I have no clue, but at the moment I am acting outside of my normal box and letting life take me where it may.

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